1. Using the Rcpp package to access c++ code from within R#

1.1. Background#

Rcpp is an R package designed to automate many parts of the (quite complicated) process of accessing methods implemented in c++ from within an R session (or indeed, an R package - see later section). To be able to use Rcpp the Rcpp package has to be installed. The Rcpp package is hosted on CRAN and can be installed using

R> install.packages("Rcpp")

1.2. Using the sourceCpp function#

Perhaps the easiest way to see how c++ can be added to R is via a simple example. To this end, the following c++ code will be added to R using the sourceCpp function which is provided by the Rcpp package.

1.2.1. Preparing your c++ code#

#include <string>

std::string example_1(const std::string& arg) 
   std::string message {"hello"};
   return message + " " + arg;

To embed this function in R using Rcpp, some additional “boiler plate” code has to be added.

#include "Rcpp.h"
using namespace Rcpp;

#include <string>

std::string example_1(const std::string& arg) 
   std::string message {"hello"};
   return message + " " + arg;

function("rcpp_example_1", &example_1);

The first addition

#include "Rcpp.h"
using namespace Rcpp;

imports the c++ code provided by the Rcpp package that will expose your function to R and, perhaps more significantly, “marshalls” data between R and c++ (more on this later).

The second addition

function("rcpp_example_1", &example_1);

creates an Rcpp module which contains your c++ method within an R session. Each module (you can have more than one) has a name, in this case stor601. The module definition indicates which function you want to expose to R, in this case example_1, and the name you want to give this function for use in R, in this example, rcpp_example_1 (this may be the same or different to the functions name in c++).

1.2.2. Adding your code to R#

Perhaps the easiest (but maybe not the most effective) way of adding your (augmented) c++ code to R is demonstrated in the example R session below.

library(Rcpp) # load the Rcpp package

# write your code into a string
cpp_code <- '
#include "Rcpp.h"
using namespace Rcpp;

#include <string>

std::string example_1(const std::string& arg) 
   std::string message {"hello"};
   return message + " " + arg;

function("rcpp_example_1", &example_1);

# add your code to R
sourceCpp(code = cpp_code)

# test your code
'hello world'

Voila !! c++ in R !!!

There are three key things to notice in this example.

  1. The c++ code has been “wrapped” as a string in R

  2. the sourceCpp function takes this string as an argument.

  3. The c++ function becomes available in R (using the name you provided in the module definition).

1.2.3. Adding c++ code to R from a source code file#

Thus far, the sourceCpp function from the Rcpp package has been used to process c++ written into a string variable within an R session. This is useful, but can soon become inconvenient. Alternatively, th c++ code can be saved in a file and the name of this file provided as an argument to the sourceCpp function. For instance, the example from section 1 could be saved into a file example_1.cpp, in which case, it can be added to R using sourceCpp as follows.


1.3. Controlling the c++ version#

The sourceCpp function might not be configured to use a version of c++ which is appropriate for your code (i.e. an older version than is required). The version of c++ which sourceCpp uses can be set by adding the following to your augmented c++ code.

// [[Rcpp::plugins("cpp17")]]

It needs to be placed after including the Rcpp header file. For example

#include "Rcpp.h"
using namespace Rcpp;

// [[Rcpp::plugins("cpp17")]]

#include <string>

std::string example_1(const std::string& arg) 
   std::string message {"hello"};
   return message + " " + arg;

function("rcpp_example_1", &example_1);